Fall River PTO

Welcome Fall River Families to Our FRE Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Fall River Elementary (FRE) located in Longmont, CO is home to our FRE Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). As the PTO at FRE, our mission is to enrich the educational experiences of our students.  We support strong community relationships through cooperation with an open forum between our students, staff, and families. We provide an open and friendly atmosphere to support the continued level of excellence in our school. Our primary goal and objectives are to nurture volunteerism and fundraising for school-wide areas of need. We strive to foster community, to engage families and to promote equal opportunities for all students. All FRE staff and families are members of Fall River PTO and are invited to attend meetings and participate in events.

Our Impact

FRE PTO funded programs and experiences: 

Para-educator for K-3rd grade reading support | Technology Support | Lexia Core 5 Reading Licenses for all Kindergartners | Classroom grants for Specials teachers | Classroom grants for homeroom teachers | Grade level grants | STEM funding | Literacy and Book Room upkeep | R.O.C.K.S awards | PA System for music/assemblies/FoxTrot etc. | Staff Appreciation Meals & Treats | My Nature Lab - 1st Grade | Earth Balloon from Children's Museum for Kindergartners | Igniting Imaginations | Updated technology for gym | Life Skills Group | Scholastic Weekly Readers K-2nd | End of the Year Celebrations | FoxTrot Fun Run | FoxTrot T-shirts | All Grade Field Trip Buses | 5th Grade Celebration | 5th Grade Field Day T-shirts | Replenished classroom headphones | Lap Desks for 3rd Grade | Custodial Equipment

Thank you to everyone who has donated time, financial support and supplies for our school! 

Thank you to King Soopers, Longmont Dairy, Box Tops, and our local restaurants for giving back!

Get Involved

  1. Attend our monthly PTO Meetings

  2. Participate in our year round fundraisers: King Soopers, Milk Caps for Moola, Box Tops, and Dine-to-Donate Nights

  3. Check out Volunteer and Coordinator Opportunities

  4. Get added to our FRE PTO Email Blasts list by emailing board@fallriverpto.org with the subject line “PTO Email Blasts”

  5. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

  6. Reach out to the Board

Submit Yearbook Photos

We need your photos to make the yearbook possible! You can submit photos by email to yearbook@FallRiverPTO.org   Please include names, grade levels, and events/dates taken if possible. Thank you for contributing to the yearbook!