Patty Carmichael
4th Grade
Favorite Things:
White Mochas, Vanilla lattes, Gluten free bakery treats, Aimes Love Bakery, Bella Macaroon in Westminster, The Post, Pepsi, gerbra daisies, bright flowers. Purple! Being outside! Silly things and heartfelt notes from kids :) NO SCENTS- NO GLUTEN
Classroom Wishlist
I need pencils! Always! Little Sharpeners! Sharpies
Here's a bigger list: Wishlist
Favorite Gift Cards:
$5, $10 Starbucks, $25/$50 The Post or Target
Anything love to receive or already have way too many of:
I am overloaded with post-its right now:)
Fun facts about me:
Walking, hiking in the shade to waterfalls, being outside, being in the mountains, Big Sur, beaches! Redwood Trees! Dancing awkwardly to pretty much any kind of music! I have three grown kids in their 20s and a musician husband who is a retired teacher!
Shirt/Sweatshirt Size:
Anything else:
Too many food allergies to list! Gluten Free/Low Residue/Low histamine for food. Allergic to scents from candles, fragrances, oils, etc