Amanda Rogowski
Principal Secretary
Favorite Things:
Breakfast burritos, raised donuts (jelly filled even better), Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Almond Joy, Jalapeno kettle chips, Chai (iced or hot), Coke, interior design, crafts, succulents, blue or green, Halloween!, floral scents, Popeye's, mexican food, Target & Hobby Lobby
Classroom Wishlist
Contact me to find out what's on my wishlist!
Favorite Gift Cards:
Target, Starbucks
Anything love to receive or already have way too many of:
Love fun cups for cold drinks with straws, fun tshirts (L), fun pens, post-it notes
Fun facts about me:
I have two dogs, 3 sons (14 year old twins and 16 year old), like to read suspense/intrigue or easy romances, like laying by the pool relaxing, hanging out at the lake and camping
Shirt/Sweatshirt Size:
Anything else:
I love working at Fall River!